Haadlingen, Consul-Opsequiari of the XIIth Legiones Astartes, the Warhounds, commander of ‘Haadlingen’s Penitents’.
A Terran-born Warhound, Haadlingen was one of the notorious disciplinary officers employed by more belligerent legions, such as the XIIth, to maintain order in their erstwhile ranks. As the Great Crusade wore on, however, the Warhound’s disciplinary corps often found themselves being assigned well away from the bulk of the renamed World Eaters and the infamous ‘Bloody 13th’ expeditionary fleet, their remit shifting to encouraging aggression rather than reining it in, increasingly handed the more honour-bound Terran elements which refused to partake in Angron’s culture of unremitting violence.
At Istvaan III the Legion’s few remaining disciplinary officers found themselves and their charges assigned to the first assault waves, mistakenly believing they were at last being given an opportunity to demonstrate their continued worth to their bellicose primarch. In the atrocity that followed, the heads of loyalist disciplinary officers were a particularly coveted prize for Angron’s butchers – Haadlingen himself was run to ground by an elite rampager unit, and despite a bitter last stand, suffered the brutal ignominy of being hacked to pieces and decapitated with his own axe, Skeggøx.