1st Tactical Squad

Legiones Astartes Dusk Raiders – 1st Tactical squad

During the early days of the Great Crusade, Sergeant Gero of the 4th Great Company’s 1st Tactical Squad quickly made a name for himself in the inter-Legion fighting pits and honour bouts as a skilled, if brutal, swordsman and brawler. Whilst other combatants favoured finer blades, he carved a bloody path with a simple sergeant’s gladius that saw him chalk up an impressive array of victories within his first half-century of service. However, it was alongside the Legio Crucius that he finally achieved true renown. Fighting in support of their Legiones Secutarii, he was instrumental in the recovery of a fallen Warlord-class titan at Beta Delphinius. In recognition of this act, he was gifted the ‘Crimson Lorica’; an artificer-quality cuirass, similar to those issued to Secutarii Axiarchs, forged from bands of titanshard armour. Unfortunately, Gero would be slain long before the time of Mortarion in the reclamation of Psyran III, incinerated by a Psyranese Pyrothule, the Crimson Lorica reduced to so much slag…