Tag: Warmongers

State of the Crusade

It’s that time of year, when people typically start to assess the previous twelve months and address the issue of what they aspire to achieve in the coming twelve, and our hobby is no exception when it comes to this self-reflective process, so let’s get down to business… Firstly, we should really deal with the…

The burden of command

As a grand tragedy of epic proportions, the Horus Heresy novels are notorious for the diverse array of themes woven into the narratives, not least of which is the burden of command and the horrific choices faced by leading characters as the galaxy descends into the madness of civil war. When I originally envisaged my…


The iconic armament of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, Volkite has become a symbol of the lost technologies of the Imperium’s golden age. Ranging in size and application from the Serpenta sidearm, all the way up to the formidable Carronade mounted on the Glaive super-heavy special weapons tank, the background cites Volkite weaponry…


One of the great things about Forgeworld’s Horus Heresy setting is the number of unique units and character types it introduced to the setting, none more beloved than Moritats and Legion Destroyers. Naturally then, when I began my Dusk Raiders hobby project, I wanted to include a unit of Destroyers (just not in Mk.IV warplate)…

Hobby Project: Dusk Raiders

In October 2012 Forgeworld re-introduced the Horus Heresy to the tabletop with the publication of the first in a series of Imperial Armour books dedicated the period called, Betrayal. At this point, the novel series of the same name, which started with Horus Rising, had already been running for six years, but the Heresy had…