Greetings Readers,

It has been a considerable amount of time since I last checked in on my weblog, and five long years since I first started this website – Originally, I had intended to use it as a promotional vehicle for a science-fiction novel and general, long-form literary rambling, but due to a range of factors, including (if I’m honest) apathy and lack of motivation, that never really seemed materialised in any sustained manner. However, rather than shut the site down, I have decided to renovate it a little and instead focus more on using it to showcase my hobby-related projects.

I have been gaming now for the better part of three decades, and it remains one of my most reliable passions in life. Changes in my personal circumstances (i.e. moving to Germany, becoming a freelancer, etc.) have also meant that I’ve been able to devote a lot more time to the hobby in recent years – In fact, I’ve been more productive in the last four years since we moved than at any other time in my hobbying life (having a beautiful hobby studio helps)!

Like most hobbyists, I make good use of Instagram (see below) to show off my efforts, but the word-limit on posts doesn’t really allow for a deeper exploration of the ideas, techniques and narratives behind each piece, and the latter case, in particular, is really important to me. I have always loved writing background material to go with each project, and am definitely more of a narrative-driven gamer.

So, without further ado, I would like to welcome you back to a revitalised Eroberung, and memoirs of a very different type of conquest…