As any Horus Heresy hobbyist will know, whilst Forgeworld provides a phenomenal range of miniatures for the setting, issues with maintaining a diverse array of kits and bits in what is essentially a niche offshoot of the core business means that they are not always able to provide every squad type in the various armours…
State of the Crusade
It’s that time of year, when people typically start to assess the previous twelve months and address the issue of what they aspire to achieve in the coming twelve, and our hobby is no exception when it comes to this self-reflective process, so let’s get down to business… Firstly, we should really deal with the…
Greetings Readers, It has been a considerable amount of time since I last checked in on my weblog, and five long years since I first started this website – Originally, I had intended to use it as a promotional vehicle for a science-fiction novel and general, long-form literary rambling, but due to a range of…
Stress vs. IBS
Greetings Readers, This morning I find myself living the age-old adage that there is nothing more stressful in life than having nothing to be stressed about. I know it sounds oxymoronic, but the unexpected thing about living with stress as an accepted factor of your daily existence is the curious absence it leaves in your…
Greetings Readers, So, I am an atheist. There, blog post done: We can all go home now… All joking aside, whilst I have been an atheist for practically my entire life, I’ve never really sat down to talk, in detail, about what that means to me. One of the reasons for this, as far as…
Greetings Readers! As it was Games Workshop’s iconic Warhammer 40,000 which first drew me into miniature wargaming a good 25+ years ago, I had intended for my first ‘hobby’ related post to be about the changes already afoot in the setting as part of the triumvirate of Gathering Storm campaign books currently causing a stir in the…
Greetings Readers! Thanks to the steadfast efforts of my dear, antipodean friend Tim Colwill, Eroberung has been resurrected from the ashes to rise once more with renewed purpose! However, as a blog dedicated simply to the writing of Memoirs of Conquest, Eroberung’s remit was rather self-limiting and (as can be evidenced by the gaps between posts),…
Ontological Warfare
Greetings Readers! Despite appearances to the contrary, Eroberung yet lives – Unfortunately, an August wedding in another country makes for a dreadfully compressed scheduled, leaving little time for literary excursions, especially when travelling to and fro to exchange paperwork with various registry offices and assure various foreign officials of honourable intentions. Throw in the intensity of Spring and Summer terms…
Greetings Readers! Unfortunately it’s been a while since Eroberung’s last article, but rest assured, whilst site has remained silent, behind the scenes work has been progressing a-pace on Memoirs and the impromptu hiatus gives us the perfect opportunity to discuss something that most writers don’t readily like to talk about: Distractions. Obviously, there exist in life those happy…
Greetings Readers! In my last post I discussed aspirations for Eroberung and Memoirs of Conquest, so it seems only logical and in keeping with the penchant of many writers, that I discuss inspirations in my next post. It also provides an enjoyable dash of alliteration, which is always welcome… However, literary whimsy aside, I actually find the subject of inspiration a difficult…